DES MOINES, Iowa -- General admission tickets are officially on sale soon, but booths / tables can be purchased now through this website!! The Nomination Reveal Party is set for August 29, 2024 so just fill out the form below to enter in all the information and select from the dropdown the top 3 choices (i.e. Booth 1, Booth 2, Table 1) and it will be first come first serve. Once confirmed, you will be contacted and venmo the money to secure the table — NO TABLES WILL BE HELD WITHOUT PAYMENT!
VIP Booth 1-6 ($180/table): 6 Tickets | Seats 6 | Elevated views | Separation from crowd | Roped off area to allow for uncrowded standing room near booth
Tables 1-7 ($100/table): 4 Tickets | Seats 4 | Guaranteed 4 chairs on the floor | Sit and watch the show next to the main stage in prime real estate in the mix of the crowd
Tables 8-15 ($80/table): 4 Tickets | Seats 4 | Guaranteed 4 chairs on the floor | Sit and watch the show in the center of the room
Tables A-B ($120/table): 6 Tickets | Seats 6 + standing room | Guaranteed 6 chairs on the floor | Sit and watch the show with standing room for other friends on each end of the table
(NOTE: each "x" on the map represent a pole in the venue that creates some minor blind spots)